

Sous-titre edito

Integrated in the PHénotypage Au Champs des Céréales (PHACC, Field Phenotyping of Cereals) experimental unit, the Phéno3C platform is designed to study the effects on the performance of field crops in agronomic situations of key climate change variables: water stress and increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) concentration. It enables high throughput phenotyping methods to be applied to a high number of genotypes, allowing quantitative genetic approaches. The objective is to guide variety breeding towards varieties that are resistant/tolerant to future climatic conditions. The platform is also a tool for research, development and testing of new high throughput phenotyping methods for the characterization of plant canopy.

This platform is part of the "Infrastructure of Excellence 2011" Future Investment Project PHENOME (ANR 11-INBS-0012), a high-throughput phenotyping project that equips the French plant community with a network of platforms designed to characterize genotypes of different species for their response to environmental scenarios associated with climate change.

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