Experimentation 2017


As part of the BreedWheat Future Investments project (ANR 10-BTBR-0003, www.breedwheat.fr), analysis of drought tolerance of bread wheat lines. A collection of 312 lines selected from accessions maintained by the Clermont-Ferrand Biological Resource Centre (www6.clermont.inra.fr/umr1095/crb) representing global diversity was tested at two water availability levels. During the growing season (November 2016 - July 2017), the difference in rainfall between the two treatments was 262.8 mm. The average yields obtained were 55 q/ha for the mobile sheltered area and 89 q/ha for the unsheltered area.

Publications : 

Guérin C, Roche J, Allard V, Ravel C, Bouzidi MF, Mouzeyar S (2019) Genome-wide analysis, expansion and expression of the NAC family under abiotic stresses in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.). PLos ONE 14: e0213390

Béral A, Le Gouis J, Rincent R, Girousse C, Allard V (2020) Wheat individual grain-size variance originates from crop development and from specific genetic determinism. PLos One (sous presse)