Within the framework of the European Horizon 2020 SolACE project (http://www.solace-eu.net/), analysis of the genetic drift of hard wheat populations subjected to water stress over several generations.

In the framework of the EU Horizon 2020 EPPN2020 project (https://eppn2020.plant-phenotyping.eu/), transnational access was funded for an experiment conducted by the Institute for Resistance Research and Stress Tolerance of the Julius Kühn-Institut (Quedlinburg, Germany). A collection of 136 barley varieties representing a large part of the species diversity was tested at two levels of water availability.

Publications : 

Béral A, Le Gouis J, Rincent R, Girousse C, Allard V (2020) Wheat individual grain-size variance originates from crop development and from specific genetic determinism. PLos One (sous presse)

Guérin C, Roche J, Allard V, Ravel C, Bouzidi MF, Mouzeyar S (2019) Genome-wide analysis, expansion and expression of the NAC family under abiotic stresses in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.). PLos ONE 14: e0213390

Rincent R, Charpentier J-P, Faivre-Rampant P, Paux E, Le Gouis J, Bastien C, Segura V (2018) Phenomic selection: a low-cost and high-throughput method based on indirect predictions. Proof of concept on wheat and poplar. G3 8:3961-3972

Rincent R, Malosetti M, Ababaei B, Touzy G, Mini A, Bogard M, Martre P, Le Gouis J, van Eeuwijk F (2019) Using crop growth model stress covariates and AMMI decomposition to better predict genotype by environment interactions. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 132:3399-3411

Touzy G, Rincent R, Bogard M, Lafarge S, Dubreuil P, Mini A, Deswarte J-C, Beauchene K, Le Gouis J, Praud S (2019) Identifying drought tolerance specific QTLs in bread wheat (T. aestivum L.) using environmental clustering. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 132:2859-2880